My boyfriend masturbates next to me

My boyfriend masturbates next to me. I have no problem with masturbation at all. I'll do it around him as well.

The problem is the frenquency...He masturbates more than we have sex, while illl masturbate because I can't get sex. It's frustrating. It feels so rejecting sometimes that I just want to cry.

Yes we've had conversations about it, he's just tired he claims, might even be a porn addiction.

He doesn't always masturbate everyday or anything, but that's his go to for sexual relief.

It hurts, it makes me feel unattractive and unwanted. I

I'm a huge flirt, I tell and show that I want him alot. Now I've just slowly stopped doing that anymore because the rejection hurts too much.

I could be butt naked and bent over and he'll still masturbate (has happened). I sleep naked usually and I could wake up to him rubbing and touching on me, then he'll go masturbate. It feels hopeless.

Not to mention, when we do have sex, the percentage that he cums from it is small, and he'll usually stop then go on to masturbate.

I don't know what feels worse.