The true chads

Took me long enough but after a bunch of failed attempts i beated my first pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke. all of my team members worked up alot for this and im proud of all of them. Monster was truly a monster in battle he shined through alot through the early game. and while not as much in the midgame is was clear to me he was holding back after there after he became an empoleon. Empoleon was force to work with that made my journey through many extremely hard battle like cyrus candance and the entirety of the elite four alot more manageable. not mention he did the final blow at 3 hp only member alive he killed cynthias last pokemom roserade with an aqua jet to the face. air head was a real tank whenever i knew someone had to take a hard hit air head was always the one taking it and even then he survived and more. he did amazing through the whole run and showed me how strong tanks are. Mr mayo was doing pretty amazing during early and mid game. at the end game he fell of a bit, i wondered if i should keep him. boy am i glad i did. he performed as of the best in the elite four his extreme power could overcome anything and even his bad defenses were fine enough thanks to intimidate truly deservent of the title mr mayo. Osiris at first wasn’t doing much not until he became a dusknoir and startsd obliterating anything. im afraid he carried my pokemom hard on the victory road his insane coverage and defenses made it so i could pull through even on close calls. but this not only helped here as this helped alot for the elite four and im not sure if i couod had done it without him. Oh rat, he always shined constantly in so many of the gyms and hes formidable speed defense and attack made it an easy attack wall not only did he do amazing damage he could take physical hits wayyy too well helped alot as a pivot in the elite four and was one of the lost important for the lucian battle my hardest elite four battle in this playthrough that i omly pulled through deathless because of him. Never and i mean NEVER sleep on porygon after origami evolved he showed the menace he was by one shooting cyrus the bird keepers 3 birds. he made the battle so easy by his sheer strength. and tri attack choice specs and adaptability made for a unstoppable combo that one shooted almost anything. he sure lacked the defenses but it would be too hard to even live a hit to tell the tell.