Do you have any luck with autographs from members of Nightwish?
I'll probably get Floor's and Jukka's this July when they'll be on Masters of Rock festival. But there will also be Auri in Prague this September and they don't seem to plan any meet & greet or anything.
Did you ever try your luck in reaching out to Nightwish members to give you an autograph or picture off-schedule?
I asked about this on r/Concerts and the general advice I got was stuff like trying my luck that they'll appear at the merch stand, hang out for a while after the show ends, find their bus fee hours before the show and hope that they'll find few minutes of their precious time to give to the fans or hoping they'll visit a bar in the venue.
I know that I shouldn't hold my breath, because I am aware that Tuomas isn't well known for being very sociable (can't speak about the rest) and I obviously don't want to come up as some crazy stalker, so I want to stay in the lane of what famous musicians expect from fans.