Everyone seems to hate rocket power, but I don’t…I actually love it

The majority of hatred I see says: there is no plot, the characters suck/are annoying, the lingo is stupid, the animation sucks…you are entitled to your opinion but I’d rather hear suggestions that you think are better instead of the plot sucks, how about offering what you think the plot should be. As someone who loves it, I still totally understand that Otto is a selfish prick and twister is dumb, list goes on but I think what draws me in is the world they’ve created. I really enjoy ocean shores and the sports stuff. I never did those things when I was young so maybe that’s why I’m drawn to it? Anyways I want to hear if you like the show or if you don’t like it and why? Don’t just say it sucks for the reasons I mentioned, actually offer suggestions as to what would’ve made it not suck in your opinion.