I'm losing it
We're in that lovely 6-8 week not sleeping phase. First, I love baby and would never do anything to hurt him. I know this is just a phase, but it's so hard when your on day 11 already and not even 7 weeks. He decided to start this at 5 weeks. I'm also alone for 10-16 hours a day and even when my husband is home, I'm doing most of the baby care.
He's been up for 4 and a half hours now. With no aligns of sleep in sight. We've done bottles (3 now), tummy time, bath time, rocking, bouncing, swing, stroller, car seat, big bed, bassinet. Nothing is working. Even contact naps aren't working.
I do wish I could just sit all day and hold him, but I have shit to do too. I just need him to sleep so I can get SOMETHING done.
My husband wants me to keep a clean house and cook fresh 5-course meals every day too, and that's simply not happening. I'm lucky if I can get dishes done most days. And he thinks I have all of this extra time every day, when in reality, 95% of it is taking care of baby with the majority of that fighting to get him to sleep.
I'm beyond exhausted at this point. If I ask hubby to feed him, change him, even hold him for too long, I'm a bad mom. I'm also a bad mom if I complain, say I want help, struggle to get baby to sleep, don't get dishes done, don't cook dinner, basically anything that's not perfect. He also doesn't like that I need to take time to go pump milk for baby to eat. The thing he doesn't get is I'm trying to do everything, and it's breaking me. I don't know how much more I can take.
Idk what to do to get baby to sleep at this point so I can get something done. Anything really. I hate not getting anything done and I do try my best to. Baby just isn't cooperating.
And don't even ask me how the job search is going. I don't have time to fill out applications. And idk how I'm going to survive working if I'm not sleeping and managing everything else.
When does it get better?