Proud sleep moment

Today as a father of a 2 month old I finally put my daughter to sleep on my own. My daughter has just seemed to hate when I hold her. I can never get her to fall asleep in my arms to put her down unless I just fed her and even then as of late it's been difficult. All I want to do is help my fiancee. I can tell shes tired but for some reason I just couldn't ever get my daughter to calm down.

Well I finally did it. I finally rocked my hysterically fussy/screaming baby to sleep without the help of my fiancee successfully letting her sleep and get her well needed and well deserved rest.

I know this may seem like nothing to a lot of you however to me this is such a big deal and I'm so happy that I've successfully done it not once but TWICE today. Hopefully this is good signs for things to come because as of lately I've just been able to feed her and hold her upright to prevent spitting up or watching her while she is already asleep.

Wish me luck. And I wish any of you new parents luck with your screaming babies as well. Just a small reminder that things will get better and easier over time.