i think i know why people hate nettspend
so much cornballs hate on nettspend and listen to carti and ken carson lmao. pretty sure the reason they dont like nettspend cuz they on the tiktok hate train. but thats too obvious i think it goes deeper. "white rapper" at face value just gives the impression of some white kid from the suburds who has never touched a gun in his life but raps about shooting and shit. thats what most people think of when they hear nettspend so they will hate because hes a "stereotypical white rapper". they wont say that tho so they talk about his voice and lyrics yet bump playboi carti. the funny thing is most nettspend haters are opium megafans so they hate on nettspend for being white when THEY ARE WHITE (still havent met a black opium megafan btw)
to summerize uh if u hate on nett and listen to opium u r weird