“Escaping Twin Flames” is an unsettling, compelling docuseries on the Twin Flames Universe cult headed by Jeff and Shaleia Ayan

I remember coming across this couple and their website years ago. They seemed fake, scripted, and cringey, so I clicked out.

I had no idea they went this far and deep. The docuseries reveals abuse such as forced gender transition, alienation from family, and making members believe Jeff is the second coming of Jesus and his word is Bible. Lots of video recordings included, not just quotes. It’s so scary how a man/couple manipulated so many women into doing whatever they wanted, even going as far as trying to ”build a town” by breeding members. Their ”mirror exercises” are basically gaslighting meant to blame the members for their program not working. They also encouraged stalking, violating restraining orders, trying to “convince” a gay man to be with a woman, staying in abusive relationships, and staying with a criminal at just 19 years of age.

I suggest giving this a watch if you’re into docuseries, crime shows, and/or cults.