How to work biceps WITHOUT destroying my forearms/elbows
I'm 12 weeks into this go around of heavy training, with a standard PPL rest split. I'm confident in my diet and sleep. The goal is strength. But lately a lot of really basic, traditional bicep exercises have been hurting. For example where before I could just pick up dumbells and bust out some quick curls? Like a normal person. I'm wrecked. Have to walk away from even stupid light weight. It's frustrating.
Probably the tendons that link up on the inner sides of my elbows. Tennis elbow? Like if I hold out my hand palm down, I can press about an inch below the crease and oh ouch. It's both sides but markedly worse on the right (I assume so because I'm left hand dominate in everyday life). I have one of those narrow braces that has a focused pressure point disc thing, it helps but not enough.
Back and shoulder exercises are only very mildly uncomfortable, and I've been going lighter (example: pulldowns are 15-20 reps at 80 lbs instead of 10 at 120). Cable hammer curls are about the only true bicep lift that feels OK. Still I feel like I'm either missing solid training or causing more damage, and little in between.
Background - 40/f 5'3" 130 lbs. I'd call myself intermediate. Good upper body strength for a girl, took high school weights and never really quit lifting. So it's been a couple decades at various levels of seriousness, with stuff like rock climbing, paddling, and yes, there was even a crossfit phase. Point is I have done dumber things that could have screwed me up worse. First issue like this ever! So...
Suggestions on exercises that won't kill my elbows/forarms?
Do I need to switch up my split or add more rest?
Should I not train my biceps/back for a while? Should I just not train for a while?
Would different elbow support like those neoprene sleeves make a healthy difference? this just what instantly happens as soon as you turn 40?
Any other suggestions would be awesome. Thanks!