Anyone else have 0 feelings of sadness about going No contact with a Narc parent?

For a little context, I've been no contact with my mother for a few years, and it seems like the majority of people have love for their parent, and sadness about the lack of a parental figure. I do think it would be cool if I had a good mother growing up, but I don't ever experience sadness about it. She just did everything in her power to be awful to me. I remember she used to try to hug me and it made me feel so uncomfortable, it was like hugging a creepy stranger. I used to have a burning hatred towards her and now its like a faded hatred, more of a dislike/disgust or just a complete lack of interest. I have no interest in ever reconciling because she always says that shes "changed" and then immediately goes right back to the problematic behaviour, and I don't think I would ever be able to change my feelings towards her and I have no desire to. Is there anyone else who feels this way? Or is this weird?