Soft sounding feminine names that are timeless
Wondering if you all have any other name suggestions that I’m not thinking of! So far we know that the middle name will be Lynn. The names at the top of our list are Penelope and Amelia for our soon to arrive baby girl. We tend to like soft sounding common names that you might not have heard in awhile. We like the nicknames for Amelia better because they are softer sounding (Leah/Millie vs P/Penny) and the name as a whole is a little softer. We also like Lillian but are unsure if that sounds weird with the middle name.
Other names that only one of us liked: Anna, Clara, and Sadie.
Other names that we liked but can’t use: Claire, Emma
Oh!! I should also mention that we have a one syllable last name. So we were going for a multi syllable first name since the middle name would also be one syllable.