In defense of long names!

Recently had a baby girl who we gave a 4 syllable name to. My post-partum brain was (not to be dramatic) beating myself up for days, even weeks on end regretting our daughters name because I feared it was "too long", "a mouthful", "too uncommon" (it is in the early 300s in popularity), and would likely get shortened to a nice, but not as lovely sounding nn. After deciding enough was enough, I came to the conclusion that people should not feel the need to shorten names to be more convenient for every day use or have a casual nn for the any reason other than they like the nn. I chose my daughter's name because I believe it is a beautiful name. No one has really told me otherwise, (except one family member who asked if we "always call her that at home") we get a lot of compliments on it actually, but I know on this page there has been some discussion about criticism of longer names (no judgement there either, to each their own), but I thought I'd present the defense and be a proponent of longer names. If you have one you love, chose one for your baby or are contemplating chosing for your baby, what is it?