Kidogo hard

So last week Mimi huyo nimeingia kazi and everything looks normal.I a in deep though if I should leave the company and when to give my notice.

See I got another job that starts in Feb, contract signed everything in place.But then something happens, the company communication channels are too silent.

It is odd but anyway labda Leo the bosses wameamua kukuwa na a chill week, since mwaka imeanza anyway.

I then receive a message from my boss for an impromptu meeting.He asks me my view about the company position and I tell him truthfully it is not looking good and something has to be done if we are to survive the year.

Then the CTO comes in and says, they have thought about it and are going to close the company.

Deep down I a schoked because I really liked this company, but then again it means I never have to give my resignation letter.

What made it worse is all the employees that will have to go home. And the way finding a job is difficult. Anyway helped with off boarding people then we were all given notice if termination that takes effect end of Jan , with Jan salaries payed.

Anyway mukianza maandano muniambia nikuje because what in the hell is this business environment.

Last year a client I was consulting for also moved their plant to UG!

So two incomes gone hivo, but they government wants to tell us they are doing well and should be praised.