Puff father accusations

I thinks it’s actually so crazy you Reddit shills are claiming Myqwin is stealing your card information to make 40$ Amazon purchases lmao😂🤣 do you guys not realize how advanced the internet has become people are getting your card information because you visit hella sketch websites you don’t even need to put your card information into they are putting hidden cookies and stuff on your device that is swiping your card information. I have never once gotten a bad puffy pack and I’ve copped 30+ zips. everyother place I’ve tried in the crazy cheap price range has smelled like straight hay straight garbage. Puffy would love your business so they can get these hella packs they sourcing sold and continue to satisfy the hundreds of regular customers that cause no problems and are exceptionally happy with the quality of puffys products. You people hating clearly don’t cop puffy zips regularly and have no place to talk, drop that order history let’s see how much you’ve spent with them to excuse this extreme hate towards them