Previous Form of the Scarab God

Like many other, I'm obsessed with Amonkhet stories and reconstruction, and the history behind all the gods. The Scarab God was said to have been corrupted by Bolas and not always have been a Scarab, [[Hashaton, Scarab's Fist]] said that he worshipped the Scarab with a different face, and we see the scepter with a Lion or a Ram on it. So I did some research and found that obviously the Scarab God is inspired by the Egyptian God Khepri, but in the Egyptian Mythology there's another deity that could be tied to rebirth : Khnum ! A Ram-Headed deity, especially link with the Nile, birth and cataract. I could it be the inspiration for a previous form of this God ? Where is WotC going with the Chitin Court and all the God of Amonkhet ?