This damage control won't last for Jimmy.
Ever since the Soggy situation, the Jimmy damage control has only become more durable and less rusty. However, most of his replies on Twitter/X definitely feel like 9-year-olds. This is because many users who were critical of Jimmy were blocked, even including some conservative politicians. If Jimmy is not afraid to respond, why is he blocking people on there and removing thousands of YouTube comments? He is intimidated of actual answers, which I will discuss in the shill ring.
Jimmy will never reach 500 million subs.
This is after the relevant post of Jimmy reaching 1/3 of a billion subs. It will not go easy regardless of allegations.
He is destined to fall off before the 500 million mark. Ever since the allegations, he only grew by about 27 million subscribers, which is a record low. This is also barricaded by the total 2.1 billion YouTube channels out there (alts included), which has over half the users being inactive. Then there is Jimmy's target fanbase, which is even a thinner margin. I knew people who frequently watched YouTube but were never interested in MrBeast, and boasted about his content with "no flavour." Look at T-Series, we had the impression it was going to deface YouTube during the PewDiePie saga, but its target audience is still not sufficient to grow any further (about half of India's population with internet access is subscribed to T-Series). We see a similar fate with Cocomelon. Adults waking up to the slop young toddlers are watching... which signifies that Jimmy could only be a generational phenomenon reminiscent of "skibidi toilet."
The mysterious question and elephant in the room is whether MrBeast will instantaneously go bankrupt due to the scandals, or will it be like Cocomelon, an endless void of dying, slower subscriber count. I am very pleased that the algorithm does not push Jimmy's content on my home page anymore. This is definitely a step ahead. The only reason why the last video got so many views was because of Ronaldo, but even Ronaldo himself has allegations. Crazy. However, the video still did not beat Squid Game and 50 YouTubers based on the total views in a day, despite Ronaldo being the most followed person on social media. I really think Jimmy's peak was the 50 YouTubers video, and it does not seem anything else would overrun that one.
Who is Jimmy's ring of allegation shills?
We need to figure out the shills in the allegations before we continue the whole operation (inferred by the messages in the user's videos and posts, not signaling how much is denied or pretended). Perhaps the most conspicuous shill is Keemstar, who has several DramaAlert posts defending Jimmy. Yes, he knew about Jimmy's involvement with Shadman and still preferred to ride him. Other shills (principally active on Twitter/X) are obvious, and unconvincingly most are affiliated with Keemstar like Soggy Cereal, Nicholas DeOrio, Samuel, and Stucky. To reiterate, these people have attempted to demolish the accuser instead of defending Jimmy himself. A neutral person would accept the mishaps done by the exposer, but would never try to paint a villainous image based on it. Only a shill would prolong to encourage in such a deed. Every moment I see a cryptic post signaling that Dawson is equally as guilty as Jimmy, it is simply embarrassing.
Then, there are the people Jimmy's family or coworkers financed, or has an NDA with. This includes Tyson, and Lava (whose posts did signify that he was rather to protect the crew). Other examples are Mutahar and Oompa (who got busted for watching Loli recently). These people are part of the shill ring and using the other members within the circumference can give the vibes of a "valid" answer, when it may have omitted or scratched the surface of other evidential conclusions. If a big YouTuber is aware of the Beast situation, but has not revolved around the issues, he or she is likely a shill.
Brushing Allegations Under the Rug
If you have not seen my posts here on the subreddit about how shallow the Soggy video and Oompa interview was, I'd suggest to give it a read. However, you likely noticed how the Oompa video and even commentary channels reviewing it garnered a lot of criticism in the comments, and Jimmy (even Soggy) refused to respond to that. With the subsequent Ronaldo collabs, the Oompa interview did perceive as damage control. Jimmy was just simply relying on his immature fanbase to not be able to sense the shills and damage control. Currently, Jimmy is using other collabs with famous people to cover up his allegations, especially those with other young fanbases.
Even with the Ronaldo photo, Jimmy still looks dead inside.
Allegation Redemption Arc
A majority of people here are saying, "all hope is lost" for the allegations, and that "things are going back to prior." Here's good tip: you cannot cover something up forever, no matter how much you conceal it. There is still a very large window of even a Dawson redemption arc, regardless if Jimmy is impulsive enough to sue.
People seem very oblivious of Beast Games. Every day that passes, we hear more depressing news of contestants being mistreated and harmed on set. The only pushback from Jimmy was his claim that most of the Beast Games reports were extrapolated. He did not address it properly, when even the hospitals confirmed the source of injury. This is the introductory to the actual case.
This will provide the golden era for the resurrection of allegations. Then Dawson will come out with his actual third video, as a response to Soggy and Jimmy. I always knew that Dawson was trying to garner decent evidence for a much better video, but posting anything at the moment would be a blowback.