All these years later, how do you guys feel about interstellar? I'm rewatching it now for the first time.
I was initially letdown by interstellar after being excited enough for it to drive 3 hours to the nearest real IMAX in my state instead of going to the nearby pseudo IMAX that everything has come to believe is the real deal. Anyhow, I had a hard time back then verbalizing what bothered me about the film but after rewatching it this time, I'm certain that it's my disappoint with ultimately how small of a story I feel was ultimately told as well as a general dislike of the characters, or at least how they were written.
Starting with the characters, I just can't get passed the fact that seemingly only 1 of the astronauts we see on screen is prepared mentally for what should be the most important mission in human history. Only Romily (The black scientist) is really on board with sacrificing themselves to the degree necessary to undertake what the odds suggest should be a one way mission. Pretty much immediately Matthew Macconaugheys character is compromising the mission by factoring a return journey to earth in to every decision he makes, then Hathaway's character gives the bit about choosing one planet over the other based on love and puts her personal emotions over the importance of the race continuing, and Damon's character who was described as the best of the scientists, is unwilling to die alone and jeopardizes the success of the follow up mission by sending out his false beacon. Only Romily was on board with doing what they all knowingly and willingly signed up to do and writing the characters this way just puts a bad taste in my mouth that I cant overcome. It's so unrealistic that it doesn't resonate with me at all thematically. The main issue however is that I feel like the sci fi portion of the film is ultimately shackled to and held down by Nolan's desire to tell such a human story and as a result it just doesnt feel as grand as the trailers made it seem it would be.
I guess my issue with the story is actually heavily related to the character issue so it's not necessarily a separate point worth expanding on. But, I just wanted the film to really go somewhere as far as the sci fi portion is concerned. We barely spend anytime on any of the planets, and although what we do get is beautiful and really well done, I just wanted more sci fi. Aside from the scenes showcasing the visuals and effects I never really got that sense of wonder or mystery that pushes me to seek out sci fi stories. I guess for me it didnt really live up to the genre is was operating in and having the movie thematically focus on human emotion and relationships bogged down the scope and made what should've felt grand and expansive and interstellar feel very small.
Anyhow, what are you guys' thoughts on the film? I know it's fairly popular and I dont mean this to be a bash fest or anything. Just curious if people's opinions have changed over the years or upon rewatch.