Snow On Tha Bluff (2011), real or fake?

I'm like 5 years late on this one, but I think the opening scene and maybe one other scene are scripted by the director. I have no evidence but they show the two other girls' faces in that scene. I am highly sceptical that they tracked those women down and got approval to use their image.

I can however picture the director and Curtis having to reshoot it because of not being able to play the original's content.

That's why any research on how real the film is gives skewed and weird results. Mainly just saying "the director filmed the movie based on his life." But so much of that doesn't make sense based on his life. Idk, some shit you can fake and some shit you cant. Getting a REAL coke dealing gang banger in Atlanta to stay on track to shoot a movie would be hard as fuck to fake without making it look extremely fake.

I don't know, but what do you guys think? Real or fake? My interpretation is 90%real with a few scripted scenes.