[1st Week - 2.5mg] Need some clarity with drinks and minimal side effects

Started the 2.5mg dose on Wednesday 23 Oct and as of Sunday 27 October, I am down 3 pounds which I’m happy about. I’m not going to weigh myself Wednesday but I will next Sunday.

First off, reduced food noise and not feeling bothered by food is a miracle I could only dream of, as someone who usually obsesses over food. Some little things I have encountered, can anyone advise how to get round the first one?

  1. Brain fog and having early nights, nothing substantial but I catch myself at work zoning out but then again I am bored beyond belief at work. Find myself quite tired a bit earlier than normal, is this due to reduced food intake?

  2. Not going to the loo as much, I’m eating smaller amounts so naturally won’t be going, I am drinking a lot of water to combat this though.

  3. Suppression seems to be strongest morning to late afternoon and I could be inclined to have something in the evening, I have managed not to so it’s probably working more than I realise. I have got Protein bars at the waiting.

My regime is essentially 10,000 steps, weight training or cardio and around 1200 calories a day. Usually protein and vegetable, whilst avoiding too many carbs.

One thing I have noticed is Pepsi Max tasting quite sweet, I used to drink 2 litres or less a day, quite easy with a pint glass. I have stopped drinking it because I’m worried about it spiking insulin and making mounjaro not work? I see a lot of conflicting information regarding Pepsi max or diet drinks… so I’ve left it be. I’d love to still drink the same amount I can’t lie, as it was always a vice, I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t smoke, I have never done drugs.

I love a morning coffee too, and wondering if I should avoid that too now? I’m very open minded and committed to making this work.

Sorry for the overload of information! Any help and advice would be phenomenal!