What would it take for anyone here to start watching MK again , as we once did. Hypothetically lol.
Would you ever ? I've thought about this before for me. I'd need her to apologize genuinely. To everyone. Stop the extensive cursing and bullying, stop showing her favoritism with the Grandkids, put family first, get new pants ( you can afford them ),
Let the kids serve themselves and eat in peace, have one on one outings or lunch with those grandkids.
Let others talk abd acknowledge what they saying, stop interrupting and repeating shit to others. Understand your humor is not considered humor to many. Stop telling kids to shut up. Someday they will shut up and have no voice because of you. Let them evolve. Stop talking bad about your husband - seek out a therapist for that.
Be open to constructive criticism. Admitt your wrongs. According to you you're never wrong. That's impossible.
Stop using Lords name in vein.
Hmmm. Then maybe you'd get more viewers. Be genuinely happy, there are so many worse off. You are blessed and take it for granted.
I'll be honest, I saw a few pairs of earrings I would've bought.
Maybe unblock those that did nothing to you. You can change your behavior and actions. Watch yourself and listen to your treatment of others.
Ang you're NOT helping her, you're enabling !!!