Molluscum "CURE"

Don't come for me about using the word "cure" - this isn't considered a true cure because it is not 100% for everyone, and I am not a medical professional, so talk to your doctor to see if this is right for you. That said, I just got rid of my molluscum once and for all after about 9 months of trying everything under the sun, and I am honestly pissed at the internet for not having this anywhere, and pissed at my doctor for not telling me about this option sooner. I hated this experience so much, it destroyed my mental health, it cost me so much fucking money, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

What finally worked for me: CANDIDA ANTIGEN INJECTION

ASK YOUR DERMATOLOGIST TO TRY THIS. They basically take a needle and inject this candida antigen directly into one of the bumps. It is very simple and quick, and honestly didn't hurt. It's like getting a shot. This injection kicks your immune system into action and forces an immune response, basically telling your body "hey look over here, come fix this shit." My doctor said that this doesn't always work for everyone, but you can try it multiple times. It worked for me after the first injection, and I'm so relieved that I've taken to reddit because I hadn't seen this anywhere on here, despite my furious searching for a solution.

What I tried beforehand:

Firstly, do not let doctors gaslight you; saying "your immune system will take care of it without treatment" is so infuriating. After months of curettage, freezing, supplements, creams, oils, etc, I contacted my dermatologist and begged her for more ideas, anything we could try. At this point I had spent $450 in doctors appointments and about $75 on supplements and things I though would cure it. Before my doctor finally told me about the candida antigen injection, I had multiple visits where I had them do curettage or freezing. Both work to remove the bumps, and it is absolutely helpful if you have a lot, but it doesn't stop it from coming back. Your body HAS to recognize that the virus is there in order for it to go away. Also, curettage hurts like a bitch, but I think it is much better because you don't scar as much and it is gone instantly.

I was even willing to go on acutane because I was thinking if it could cure acne maybe it could cure this (my derm said that was a terrible idea).

  1. Podofilox (phodophyllotoxin) - kinda helpful but not really. i used it for about a month and it was making the bumps go away, but like the curettage and freezing, it does not elicit an immune response, so it doesn't matter if it makes the bumps go away. more will come. i applied it to a spot that i was unsure about, that was very close to my vag opening, and it burned intensely, then caused a sore that hurt like an ingrown. It took about 5 days for it to heal, but it did, and after that I stopped trying podofilox.

  2. Blackseed Oil supplements - I took these for about 3 months after reading another redditer's post. my goal with this was not a cure but to boost my immune system as much as i could so that it was strong enough to recognize the virus on its own. Ultimately, the supplements helped but did not force an immune response.

  3. Agmatine Sulfate (3000mg/day) - same as above.

  4. N-acetyl cysteine - same as above

  5. L-Lysine - good for your skin

  6. post, pre, and probiotics - general women's health

  7. vitamin c - general immune health

  8. removing the bumps myself - worked fine but you must be extremely careful, and like any of the other treatments, does not force an immune response, so its not really doing anything, and may just be making it more possible for it to spread.

Things I asked my doctor about that she debunked:

  1. Imiquimod Cream - doesn't work for molluscum - has been debunked by scientific studies

  2. Valacyclovir - doesn't work for molluscum

  3. Acutane - doesn't work for molluscum and is such a harsh treatment regardless

How I discovered I had molluscum:

I bought a DIY laser hair removal thing from amazon and had been using it for about 5 weeks with no problems. Then i broke out in a rash and thought I had burned myself. I went to the doctor and they said it was molluscum. The laser had irritated it and caused it to spread, but it was probably the only reason I realized i even had it.

Anyway, thats all ive got for yall.

As always, ask your doctor about your options. I'm no professional, but I understand the desperation of wanting to get rid of this shit, so I'm giving you all the info I have. I came to reddit for solutions because the first 3 doctors visits I had were so demoralizing. They basically told me to wait it out, but I was already 3 months in. It drove me crazy, and when I had spend $450 on doctors visits just for them to remove the bumps, then have a new bump(s) a few days later, I said fuck it, i can do it myself. After 8 months I was losing it. I found a single bump after 1.5 weeks of no bumps and I burst into tears and wrote to my doctor begging for ideas. After that she told me we could try the candida antigen injection. Why did it take so long? The medical industrial complex maybe? who knows. all i know is it worked.
