The Curse
There is a curse associated with our profession and if you don't have it you might be doing something wrong. I just listened to a song I mixed that was released a few months ago. The artist posted a video for it. It was my first time listening to the song since I sent it out into the world. Of course there are a couple of things I wish I'd done differently. There always is, and that's the curse. The desire to go back and tweak a couple of little things to make it "perfect". I would almost be willing to give the client back his money if I could just go back into the mix and shave a little 3k off the lead vocals. No one will ever hear this but me. Everyone loves the song. But goddamn it my kingdom to just be able to tweak that vocal. The curse is if I didn't feel this way it would mean I'm not getting better and evolving. I just have to remind myself that this is a good sign and embrace the curse because the day I hear one of my songs out in the wild and don't have at lease some twinge of regret is the day I've lost my edge.