How do y'all deal with your identity ?

I am half white half black and have a very light skin tone. I have curly black hair. A lot of people assume that I am Arab when they don't now what ethnicity my dad is ( he was born in Angola ). To illustrate what problems I have dealing with my identity I'll just show you an example: they are mainly white people in my class ( just one Arab girl and one Asian ). Sometimes they are a bit borderline or do some jokes that I find very offensive towards black people. Whenever I defend black people, which are literally "my blood", they be like stfu you are not even black, or you are not a real black. I now these guys are just pieces of shit but anyways I still felt it. When I am with black people, I am included because they acknowledge my ethnicity, but sometimes I feel like some black people are like " nah this guy is white" and therefore are a bit reticent, even tho I'm mixed. I don't really know how to feel about all this. Recently I've been focusing on going deeper in my roots and Angolan culture. How do y'all deal with this ? Sometimes this shit makes me feel like I'm not black enough, but that don't feels right, because I love how I look and I wouldn't change a thing. Also English is not my main language so sorry if I made any mistakes :)