Joke’s on me, I guess.

Out of the 8 Series 1 Holiday balls I got from Amazon, 5 were turkeys and 3 were hot chocolate. I had originally just bought 2, but they were both hot chocolate, so I ordered 3 (and got 3 2-packs, so I don’t know which of my orders was incorrect) more hoping to get just one GD gingerbread house.

Combined with the new mega packs I have, that brings me up to 7 turkeys.

1) Has anyone cut into one of these things? I’m assuming it’s just brown plastic all the way through 2) Does anyone know if it’s easy to detach the wings or legs? They have a gap that makes me think they’re separate pieces. 3) Should I give up and just make a gingerbread house out of TURKEYS BECAUSE JFC GUYS

Thank you for listening.

Out of the 8 Series 1 Holiday balls I got from Amazon, 5 were turkeys and 3 were hot chocolate. I had originally just bought 2, but they were both hot chocolate, so I ordered 3 (and got 3 2-packs, so I don’t know which of my orders was incorrect) more hoping to get just one GD gingerbread house.

Combined with the new mega packs I have, that brings me up to 7 turkeys.

1) Has anyone cut into one of these things? I’m assuming it’s just brown plastic all the way through 2) Does anyone know if it’s easy to detach the wings or legs? They have a gap that makes me think they’re separate pieces. 3) Should I give up and just make a gingerbread house out of TURKEYS BECAUSE JFC GUYS

Thank you for listening.