Nutes to purchases

First time grower I’m at about 4 weeks now and I’m wondering what things I should use to feed the plants the correct way nothing crazy expensive like a 150$ starter kit from biobizz just something that works and works well I have blood meal but have not used it as I’m nervous on how much I would need and such there is no back of the bag instructions lol.

Using happy frog soil. 2x2 tent upgrading to a 4x4 soon for more room as well as getting a 240w light from farmlite I was recommended by another guy on Reddit.

Temps average around 80F-85F in the day and 68-75 at night with a RH at 65% all day and night.

I’ve yet to feed anything to the plant besides water at a ph of 6.0 - 6.5 from germination just learned to top a plant for the first time so I’ve completed this today hoping all goes well is there a schedule for feeding anyone can suggest or nutes I should be feeding or additives such as blood meal I seen people using worm castings but I’m using happy frog soil it said it has earthworm castings in it so I didn’t bother with anything.

Any help would be appreciated before my plants starve to death lol Ty!