Trip Trauma / PTSD?
Hey all, a weird one here. So I (m24) don't like losing control. Drinking/Smoking gets me anxious. I tried microdosing a year ago for a week or so and loved it. It made me get excited to try a macrodose. I took 3.5g with no prior experience above 0.1g and tried my own at home John Hopkins setting. Blindfolded the entire trip while listening to classical music.
The trip started horribly. I wasn't ready. Anxiety attack + started feeling like I was dying, saw hyper realistic visuals with my eyes closed of death, decay, and animal piles of rot. I grabbed the phone to call 911 but figured they couldn't do anything. I was 30 minutes in, regretted it all and finally let go and embraced the trip. Thankfully the trip turned soon after and became enjoyable. Music calmed me, and I remember smiling like crazy. The rest of the trip was calm.
Fast forward 8 months or so. Started seeing a therapist, getting out more, and changing my life for the better. However still feel lots of depression. Thought about microdosing again. I bought some golden teachers again, and took probably 0.05g. Within minutes I started having an anxiety attack. I was so scared to trip for some reason and couldn't relax. I thought maybe I wasn't in the right head space and tried again 3 days later. Once again I took less, and within minutes panic attack and anxiety that left me disassociated for a day or so after.
Was it the mushrooms? No, I took them and instantly got panicked. Scared to trip and go through that feeling of death again. It felt like I was going back straight to that moment of fear again. My question is.. can trips cause trauma? It feels like PTSD. I'm going to continue to try to let my mind and body know I'm going to be okay and do even less of a microdose to reassure myself it's okay. But I was wondering if anyone has ever experienced this or heard of this? Super strange.
TLDR Can bad trips cause trauma / PTSD ?