An iOS app currently doing ~1.5k downloads / week organically (100% free, just ASO). $842 revenue in the past 28 days.
Would sell for $8k.
Launched a few months ago and totally forgot about it -- checked the metrics and saw surprising organic downloads.
It's in the height maxxing niche (lol).
It's very similar to Cal AI, except it is focused on helping teenagers maximize the chances of hitting their height potential (by eating the right things, sleeping 8+ hours etc.)
Functionally it's an AI calorie tracker with a 'height potential' quiz in onboarding.
A competitor is crushing it and doing $10k+ MRR with micro-influencers, they launched after us.
I don't have the time / money to go super hard on influencers, and the app isn't monetized well enough to fuel growth yet.
I think if you have $5k-$10k to spend on influencers, there is a clear path to substantial revenue.
Lmk if interested -- it's built with react native, firebase, backend is FastAPI (python) hosted on google cloud run.
I don't think costs have exceeded revenue ever -- would need to check specifics but definitely under $30/m.