I found this copper alloy/bronze ring about 7-8ish inches deep in some ex farmland in the ancient village I live in-does anyone know how old it could be?

The village has been known to yield Roman artefacts in the past, but has been inhabited pretty much forever judging by the flint handaxe found in the 1960s and the small amount of rudimentary flint tools I’ve found. The ex-farmland’s been used actively since at least the 11th century, and the ring just about fits all the way down my little finger, while also being too delicate and has too much ornamentation to be a pipe fitting. From my research it could me medieval, possibly even Saxon or Roman at the oldest but it’s almost impossible to tell (the field was ploughed yearly until the late 40s-50s, so there’s barely any context I could attribute to it, aside from the fact that it was 7-8ish inches deep in sandy topsoil that was farmed for centuries.).

Almost forgot to mention that I found it in East Anglia, South East ish England.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated :)