Shit on the beach
Trying to enjoy the nice weather at the beach today in one of our illustrious bayside inner suburbs. It’s a bit hard with the constant whiff from the heat soaked rotting giant dog shit that’s in front of me. It’s one of several on this beach.
People with dogs who use dog beaches. Fucking do better. If you pick up then great (and this probably isn’t about you) but you also need to keep eyes on your dog so that you’re aware that there is something to pick up. This many shits don’t get left without serious laziness and negligence from owners. And for the lazy ones who can’t be bothered and do it on purpose, fuck you so much.
EDIT: yesterday was fun thanks for engaging folks. I’m down here again on this fine hot morning and came even further along this time after all the rather condescending suggestions to “just move” yesterday. Unfortunately there is just an abundance of shits all the way down and a limit to how far I can walk on the sand atm. Each of them wafts a lovely radius in the warm breeze so that the whole beach is treated to it. I know ranting at reddit doesn’t change anything other than perhaps changing and scarring me from all the suggestions that it’s human shit but it’s fun to shake my fist at the clouds sometimes. I’ve decided to start bringing some little baggies down with me so that the local kiddies don’t have to deal with it. Stay cool out there today folks :)