Why do people play negation/floodgate decks
The amount of times I have had to vs against someone that puts up 20 negates while I can’t do anything to stop it or just puts up floodgates has made me wanna jump off a cliff.
Especially when playing vanquish soul. I was against a Horus deck about to win then they just whip out the card that negates monster effects (skill drain I think) so I couldn’t do anything as vanquish soul mainly uses monsters (mine atleast). This was also after going against multiple other negate/floodgate decks like runick. Those decks just piss me off so much like no way you need to put 500 negates to win on turn 1 while I can’t do anything. I would rather fight yubel.
It’s not even that my deck is bad I can play through like 4 or 5 negates with a good hand, there are just so many negates now a days it’s so annoying.