How is Falcon like every other super hero when he's not enhanced in anyway?
I have a question to pose to those more knowledgeable regarding Falcon.
I have yet to watch the latest Disney series, but am uptodate with everything else, and something that always stood out to me, is he seems on par with every other MCU hero, even the likes of Cap yet AFAIK, Falcon does not have any super hero powers other than his super duper fancy flying outfit.
So, is this just a case of well, he's similar to Batman, just an all around tough guy so ignore the parts where he is almost on par to Superman, or does he have legit super powers I just don't know about.
And as for a comparison to say Black Widow in the MCU, I don't see her as on par with Falcon's "powers", he just seems OP considering he has no actual super powers.
Edit: u/NorrinRaddicalness added a comment I'm going to use to help my own understanding of Falcon's powers. Thanks for all those who took the time to add informative comments!