What if Marvel got all the rights in 2010?

Many of us like to speculate what the MCU would have looked like had Marvel Studios had access to every Marvel character. Things would be very different. For starters, they probably would’ve focused on IP more well-known at the time such as Spider-Man, Hulk, X-Men, and the Fantastic Four. So Iron Man and Captain America most likely would’ve been “secondary characters” like Doctor Strange and Ant-Man in the real world.

So a more interesting question would be what if Marvel Studios got the rights to everyone in 2010? At that point, Phase 1 had already been planned out. So we still would have gotten the first Avengers movie in 2012. However, how would getting access to the Fantastic Four and X-Men change what happens in Phase 2 and beyond? Like would Thanos still be the overarching villain?