Rank Inflation IS REAL and you can't prove me otherwise
I've played for around 5-6 days now and have went from bronze to GM. I thought that GM is relatively high elo, but boy was I wrong. Somehow, my team gets worse the higher rank I get. Now, I know what your thinking, this guy is just blaming his team for losing, but thats not it at all. In fact, I win around 65%-70% of all my games, but the ones I lose, I HARD LOSE. As in, my team locks characters they have never played or don't know how to play, they quite literally go like 0/7, and tilt.
The point is, I thought GM will have some level of skill, but it feels so much more brainless than the lobbies I got from Gold to Plat. In Gold to Plat lobbies, I had people on voice comms a majority of the time, and we all timed our ults, gave callouts, etc. In GM, I've had a Spiderman diving off the ledge and only killing himself, a Strange who messed up his portal placement after we waited a solid minute for him to place it, a Peni who tethered herself to her web and didn't know how to undo it so she glued herself to one spot for the rest of the round, and the list just goes on and on...
I don't know what's causing this, but it genuinely feels like anyone can get to GM, granted if they play enough. I've had people on my team with 30% winrates in GM. That should simply not be possible in my humble opinion. Too many players gain 45, and lose 12, with terrible winrates and KDA's.
TL;DR Ranks should be a reflection of SKILL, not how many hours you have played