The Devs were right: A midseason Rank reset was needed.

The game right now is unfun as hell in competitive. I was always in the camp that I enjoy the rank system in Rivals and I still stand by that. However, I've notice ever since Season 1.5 started the quality of my games have plummeted. In-game I don't like trying to bring the moral of my team down because that does nothing, but the amount of One-tricks, fingerless DPS or EGO driven players I've gotten are I-N-S-A-N-E. I swear, I've gotten better games in Quickplay than I have now. We seriously needed a rank reset, and I get it people don't have the time to grind games 24/7 like streamers, but I don't think it's crazy to say that not everyone should be in high ranks. I solo queue mostly and I know there's little chance of me reaching T500. I'm more than ok with that. I just want good games that feel close. That should be everyone's goal, but It's always just stomps or losing streaks.

I'm not going to talk about EOMM or anything like that, but I will say though that the ranks are inflated to all hell right now and the games don't feel good. Climbing should feel like a journey, not a job or mental torture. I always got annoyed when people said "GM/Celestial" isn't good, but now I see what they were saying. And they were 100% right. It's not the ranks that's bad. It's the people who don't belong in that rank. NORMALLY, when you climb you expect people of similar skill and good games. I didn't feel that way in Overwatch, but it feels WORSE in Rivals because you don't get that at all. I understand why people stack and you're gambling hard if you solo queue.

The Devs were right - had the Rank reset happen and possibly some tweaks to how elo is gained, I think things would've been better. I guess I should also mention how the Heroes in this game have such powerful ults it doesn't matter if you're mechanically good or not, but that's more of a moot point considering you have access to those ults too. It just dawned on me why i've been getting so tilted lately at my games and it really is because I expected better games. I don't feel like climbing anymore at this point, because if the games don't get better, what's the bloody point? I might as well stick to Quickplay.