the amount of people coping and trying to justify smurfing is legitimately sickening..

"I just want to play the game with my friends.."

-every smurf ever


how about you play in quickplay then? actually teach them the game, coach them to get better so they can earn and deservedly BE in the same rank as you in terms of skill and game sense? ..then play ranked with them.


by smurfing, all you're doing is boosting players/friends into ranks they don't belong in, ruining the game for others who are actually climbing the ranks legitimately, but also it's a big reason for why everyone's matches are so damn lopsided and teammates skill variance and game sense has huge disparity.


you're taking boosted players who don't belong in a rank, putting them on a team with legitimate players who earned their rank, then mix in the very rampant smurfing problem in pretty much every match and all we get is stomps and lopsided matches. many people are noticing this lately and it's a sole by-product of the rampant smurfing that's currently destroying this games ranked matchmaking.


Then all it does is breed toxicity and hate from each other because people don't understand how smurfing is quite literally creating this "guaranteed to lose" situation for the general player base.


don't try to justify smurfing, just be a better person, god damn. how can you like a game and then actively work towards destroying it by pushing players away from the game, make it make sense.