It's time to start banning Smurfs, including Egotistical Streamers who content farm off lower ranks and call it "educational"

Smurfing is a serious problem and it needs to be taken care off as soon as possible. And before anyone starts saying some stupid nonsense, I'm hardstuck (for now) Celestial 2 but I solo Queue. I never wanted to make an alt-account because I don't expect to win every game. However, besides the daily complaints about streamers (Like Necros who is the worse offender here) I tried getting my friends into this game, and they became frustrated when they clearly are going against some idiot who has a sub 50% winrate in GM and needs to make an alt account to bully newbies. This is straight up cancer. Quickplay has it's own problems, Bots and random Matchmaking but there's something very wrong when you're in a lobby trying to improve and climb and you face a duo or stack that are clearly smurfing.

I love the amount of copium and stupid excuses to defend it too. "But I'm gold on DPS" But you have the game experience of someone in Diamond unlike your opponent who may not even know you can grab people in the air with Hulk. It takes a special kind of scumbag piece of trash to make a fresh account just to farm newer players and think you're good when you're not on your main. You know who you are. Streamers aren't the only ones that does this shit.

It's time for Netease to start banning accounts that are smurfing or people are going to quit the game. The game already has other problems we don't need smurfing on top of that. There's literally no defense or argument to justify smurfing.