Kinda tired of the sexism :(

Most of the time, gaming comms are fine. Even when some squeaky-voiced rat has something to say about me being a woman, I roll my eyes and move on.

But MR is different. Apparently, the mere existence of a woman on comms is enough to trigger a full-blown identity crisis in about 8/10 players. If I mess up? Instant gender diagnosis. Like, sorry, I didn’t realise my chromosomes were controlling my aim.

I’m new to OW and similar games, so maybe I’m just being soft, but it’s gotten to the point where I had to change my name to something more unisex, and I don’t even bother with comms anymore.

Anyone else dealing with this? Any tips, aside from “grow a thicker skin” or “just mute them”?

(Not trying to start a political debate—just wondering if this is a universal experience.)

Edit: Wow, didn’t expect my post to blow up! Really heartened by all the comments. I also have to add that although I said don’t tip me to mute, I understand now it might be the only way.

Secondly, while I appreciate trash talk is common, it’s not an excuse for sexism. I feel that men should work with women to eradicate sexism online so more women feel able to communicate. Men aren’t the enemy, but a way to help women feel comfortable in a male dominated game.