Storm Main - Need Some Construction Critisim and Tips on How to Improve and Grow in Rank

Also sorry about post title lol auto corrected Constructive to Construction.

Here is my main Profile. I am a Storm Main that well pretty much hard stuck in Gold. Normally play with a friend (which im not trying to blame him don't take that the wrong way) Here is a run down of our normal night. Normally I am a Storm I don;t think my skill in itself is too bad.

I have improved greatly over the past 2 weeks. Went from trying to ask for heals. Most people don't look up and don't heal me normally so I just take it upon myself to just finding my own annoying but Life of a flyer. Switching between speed and power more often to run if needed. I also now hover more closely above my team to provide power support to lighting strike our foes while chain damaging. Which helps greatly when we push.

Also trying to learn how to strategically use my Ulti as I usually get countered but I have been finding success in killing the stragglers in the back instead of focusing on the group (those pesky healers blocking ultis) and lastly im trying to target more healers on enemy team.

I feel like my stats are not that bad but I may be super wrong but please let me know if my new focus is acturally bad and stupid and let me know what I can do to improve I dont want to blame anyone but myself I suck I know I want to get better.

Stats below for my last previous games