We’re different people now
Lesbian marriage of 5.5 years, been friends for over 11, both feminine, ages 28 and 29.
We seem to have come to a place where we enjoy different things and aren’t sure if we can continue with things this way. I like being active, chorus, coffee, musicals, and just relaxing… I also don’t enjoy drinking alcohol. She likes being out, shopping and drinking. She is currently in med school while I work in finance. I’ve been the breadwinner our whole relationship and will be for the next few years.
Neither of us have many “hobbies” or friends to hang out with which compounds the issues as we’re each other’s main support group.
Every time she drinks we argue and last night she told me she wants a “breather” from the marriage to see if we’re the best fit for each other. I think we have differences and arguments but it could be fixed by more therapy. She says we’ve tried therapy in the past… which we did but had to stop because we moved.
I just want to keep going and trying because this is the love of my life, but idk how to process this “breather” and how we could even do that financially.
This is all a lot, but basically I have 2 questions…..
tl;dr - we have very different interests, can we make it work? How can we take a breather and still live together?