Nervous about going to Commander Night
I’ve seen some posts on here before about LGS commander nights being a mixed bag of crazy people. I play tabletop by myself since I don’t have friends that play. I would really enjoy going to play with people but I’m nervous that it’s going to be a train wreck. I don’t know anyone at the store and don’t have crazy good decks. One of them is my doctor who timey whimey deck that I’ve add a few cards to, and the other deck I would bring I built but don’t know the power of. I want to enjoy playing them but it’s draining to think about everything that can go wrong at the lgs. Any advice from the seasoned players? Update: Thank you for everyone who commented. I went but there were groups playing and no one waiting to play. I sat there for less than a hour before I left. I’m upset but it’s at no one and nothing. I don’t know if I will go back but I thank everyone for getting my me there.