YMCA East Swim classes
Has anyone had their kids take swim classes at the YMCA? And possibly can speak to how they compare to private swim school classes?
Some years ago we had a kiddo take classes through the MSCR program, and it didn’t work for us - they relied too much on flotation devices, and games and not enough floating and swimming. My child was already comfortable in the water, but didn’t really progress to any real swimming.
We’ve been doing classes at a local swim school for the last few years and that’s a whole different experience, but obviously outrageously expensive.
So considering trying the Y, but wondering what others’ experiences are, especially if you’re able to speak to how your experience of the Y compared to a swim school or MSCR. Instructor/swimmer ratios, quality instruction, etc.
I do know the Y pool is going to be a lot colder.
Thanks in advance!