To those using Green Clean and Sanidate between runs.
Have any of you experienced similar symptoms from not rinsing out lines well enough? We usually charge our white lines in the room with green clean for an hour and rinse out, then charge with sanidate and let sit over night. Then just run RO through for a bit to get rid of sanidate water before charging lines with nutrient solution. But during this room flip I wanted to charge our PVC lines that go from our fertigator to the Flowering room with green clean (for 30-45mins) and sanidate (overnight). Then the next morning I ran approximately 60gallons of water through the lines out the drippers and figured that was plenty. Then I did a couple 4min waterings of nutrient solution through the lines to get the lines all charged up ready to feed the plants right after load in. Usually a week after load in we’ve got exceptional green vegetative growth. So my question is for anyone who may have not rinsed lines well enough after using these products if any of you experienced anything similar to the pictures I posted. This hasn’t popped up in any other rooms where I’m feeding same nutrient recipe. Just trying to put my mind at ease really. Even ec/ph drip check water before spiking plants to make sure signs of sanidate are no longer present.