Another UR Otters Trophy (Final Boss: Nummy)

It took me a couple drafts to fully figure otters out but since then I've gone 3-0, 2-1, 3-0 in BO3 and had 5-3, 7-2 in BO1. The deck revolves around Harnesser of Storms (you want at least 2) and getting enough cheap interaction. There's really no replacement for Take Out the Trash, but Downdraft and Assault will fill out the deck if you don't have better options. Crab is incredible, usually getting played for 2-3 mana. You will always have a Tide on the top end if you want it. You can't always get a Wildfire Howl but it's a huge pickup and an irreplacable effect.

You have to be careful about decking yourself without enough ways to push damage and I've been having more success since including more Lightshell Duos. Angler is fine, but a little awkward since it doesn't really block on T3, it's hard to find a window to get one down. I include one, but it's not a priority. Shoreline looter is also a key player but because no one is in blue you almost always get at least one, and I've found I almost always get shipped 1-2 good UR rares because there are a number of them and no one else wants them.

Getting into the deck is still tricky. I'm not saying to force this every draft, so the key is to start without a good card to take in GWB, maybe pick up an early Take Out the Trash and then look for getting passed premium removal like Take Out the Trash late, like 5-6th pick. Along the way you maybe pick up a speculative Looter or Harnesser, but what's crazy is that you will wheel Harnesser out of a lot of packs and it just makes the whole deck go.

The UR uncommon 1/1 prowess otter is basically a trap. Otterball antics isn't really good. Kindlespark Duo CAN work sometimes but I've found I've had more success just rolling Lightshell Duos and slamming on people after I run away with card advantage and kill everything.

This deck was sweet and was particularly great to trophy against Kenji. I almost missed it was him and then went back to check and it's at the end of his vod.

Edit: Also note, one of the keys to Harnesser is that it triggers off of Otters as well as any non-creature permanent. If you build your deck right, virtually every non-land draw in the deck will trigger otter. Once you get going, you never miss another land drop but you always need to be thinking about what your hits are and never playing a land first if you can help it, and how to pace your spells out (only triggers once a turn), and when to exile and when not to, because you absolutely will deck yourself. In this deck there are TWO spells that don't trigger Harnesser and one of them is Crab, which is a huge payoff for what you're doing.