Loveland City Council Convenes at 6 p.m. tonight
It's almost that time! Loveland City Council meets at 6 p.m. tonight. Agenda:
We will be watching the separation agreement for City Attorney Moses Garcia, as well as the discussion about re-establishing the Trust Commission (of which I was a member until I resigned in protest). - Jessica Schneider
Instructions for providing public comment (from the agenda):
General Public Comment:
• Members of the public can speak to any item that is NOT an ordinance on the regular agenda. Members may also request that any item on the Consent Agenda labeled as quasi-judicial, be placed on the Regular Agenda for discussion and public comment or testimony.
• Individuals who wish to speak are asked to fill out a card provided in Chambers and give this to the City Clerk. The Mayor will call people up to comment in the order the cards were received. Cards are only required for the general public comment portion of the meeting. Each person will have three minutes to speak. Public comment is limited to residents of Larimer County, and individuals who own property or have business interests in the City.
• Individuals who wish to speak in-person but did not fill out a card may have a chance to comment once all in-person and online speakers who have registered are called on, if there is any time remaining. General Public Comment is limited to 60-minutes.
Regular Agenda Items:
• No cards are required for individuals wanting to provide public comment on items included on the Regular Agenda.
• If an individual comments on a Resolution item shown on the Regular Agenda during General Public Comment, no additional comment can be given once the item comes up for discussion on the Regular Agenda.
• Once a motion is made on an item shown on the Regular Agenda, the Mayor will ask for public comment. The Mayor will invite speakers to comment at that time. In-person comment will occur first, followed by online public comment.
- Members of the public who wish to provide public comment remotely, can log in using the meeting ID provided above, or opening your meeting app or accessing the web browser and entering the Meeting ID shown above after 5:45 pm, at which time you will be muted and added to the meeting.
• Members of the public can also call 1 (719) 359-4580 and enter the meeting ID when prompted: 97537796504# followed by the meeting passcode: 829866#. If you would like to speak during public comment, please press *9. The moderator will call on the users’ last 4 digits of the phone number, and you will press *6 when called on by the moderator.