Am I the weirdo?
I’ve been with my partner for 7 years, throughout our relationship the only real reoccurring issue has been porn. Personally I’m against it for many reasons. I think it’s an incredibly dangerous and exploitative industry, sex trafficking, literally change’s the viewer’s brains and how they view women and intimacy. Endless cons and no pros. But I’m okay with masturbation as long as he’s not watching anything. Last night I caught him yet again. Sitting on the toilet, not even doing anything, just looking at porn drawings. Furries. Sexy deer and that sort of stuff. He came clean and told me he’s been watching that stuff for a while now but this time he’s not ashamed. This porn is okay because it’s not real women. He almost seemed proud of himself. Like he’s figured out the loophole. And I’m the weird one for thinking it’s disgusting. Meanwhile he’s the one looking at sexy dogs and deer with tits?? And I really don’t think I’ll be able to help this time. He seems very convinced this is fine and normal and plenty of people on the internet agree with him anyway. So I don’t know? Am I the weird one here? Am I not cool enough to get the appeal or something?