The feeling I have lying in my bed at night


Where are you? Why aren't you reaching out to me? I'm quenching in my bed for the hundreth time, alone, gasping for air. My heart is reaching out of my chest, trying to grasp a memory of you so dear to me. But all I see is a demonic gaze: abandonment veiled in a shadow of what you once were. And you were hope. Hope personified. I rejected love for years and years, but I longed for it. There was a hope shaped hole in my being waiting for a person. You sparked that hope and gave me a new life. I know that it was a massive burden on you, and I'm sorry. But most of all I'm tired. I'm tired of the pathetic nature of love, and the pathetic nature of life without love. You never felt for me the way I did for you. I was a passing moment for you, and you'll quickly find someone other than me. That is the true essence of love. One person always loves with it's entire being, while the other loves with constrain. Truth be told, I'd forgive anything you do to me. I was yours to do with as you please. I'd even forgive you now if you wished to reconcile. I'm pathetic. But I only wish this feeling of nausea to disappear and my soul again be soothed by your soft voice. Talking to you was like therapy. Holding you in my arms was like an angel's dance on my chest. I wish I could hold you until Death's final embrace or throw up the last remnants of hope writhing in my bowels. It boils and rises up, clogging my throat, leaving me breathless and screaming in a silent ether like a voyager in space; but it doesn't come out. I swallow my vomit back with a bitter taste of hopelesness and continue to quench in solitude like a prematurely born fetus, too weak to live on it's own. A desolate existence indeed.