Lost Ark future looks very bright!

Noticing more new/returning players in my circle. Also Noticing a change in player behavior towards newer players being very positive.

Honestly believe this wave of new games will come and go, and players will remember how great of a game Lost Ark is.

The game has gotten a negative rap by the masses of players which only say w/e click bait youtube title they recently watched.

If you played this game like any other mmo with all the materials the game gives out for free, you could easily be in end game content even for newer players.

People just get envious when they see sweatlord streamers with 20+ 1540's and think they should be entitled to such, without giving the effort.

Starting next update and beyond I see Arkesia having bluesky's, play the game at your own pace and truly understand how to enjoy/embrace a delightful mmo.