Logi Options Agent + Updater

It's the first time I see such a system from logitech. My point it, why do we need to have these two programs which are trying to keep up and stay on the top of my CPU usage, while my computer is idling. EIther during idling or while I'm just watching Youtube on my browser, these two programs are going up and down. I tried killing them, at least the updater and the result is that I loose features from my peripherals. I use shortcuts, I use volume change on the Mx Master 3. It's crazy that we have to keep these two "viruses", in order to get our peripherals to work as intended.

Does Logitech have plans to address this? Do they accept it as a problem? Can they explain to us why these two apps are using so much Ram and even more CPU (we're talking about latest generation of CPU, not old 2-3-4 year old one) and keeping the usage so high for soooo long. I can accept that an app is trying to check for updates, so it's gonna use some more CPU, but it's crazy to be like this ALL DAY LONG!
