A question for Loan Officers

Hi, I'm an underwriting manager and I'm looking for insight from LO's because I'm trying to improve our department's workflow and I'm dealing with some struggles in understanding an LO perspective.

We have a process that allows LO's to decide if we have enough documentation to skip the loan processor and go right into our underwriting queue.

The difficulty I'm having is that some (not new) LO's are turning in URLAs with job gaps, incomplete docs (no assets, W2s that don't line up with stated job history) debts randomly excluded with no file notes, etc.

When asked about for example the 2 year job gap, the answer is often "oh the borrowers filled that out. I didn't look at the application"

and then unfortunately those same LO's get upset when we want to suspend their file. They want to "call the borrowers" and get back to us which slows us down and usually results in multiple emails, and phone calls while they beg us to "approve without documentation"

This is causing an excessive amount of stress in my department and also, I feel like we are punishing the LOs who deserve to take advantage of this process. When the file is documented and reviewed they sail through underwriting..

Has the industry changed that much? I've been doing this for 25 years and the number of LOs that don't do even a rudimentary review of their application or assess borrow eligibility is growing.

also feel free to AMA about the situation.

I'd love to hear about your process. I'm truly looking for advice/insight to help my team and the LOs I work with. I don't feel my expectations are unreasonable but I'm not an LO and I know the industry sucks right now.