Best route for new LO

Hi all!

I am brand new and have not run my first deal yet. I am sponsored in Colorado by a company that is essentially in house as they have an underwriter, realtor, lo, and fund the deal to get to closing and then sell to lender. I have my mentor who has been showing me the ropes but I am also very part time as I work a 60hr a week job as well.

I am struggling to learn obviously because I am only learning from what the LO is currently working on, but I am not getting paid to be there so can’t leave my current commission only job.

I am now linked up with a realtor who is running open houses and is allowing me to come and talk to potential buyers but open houses have not been very busy or beneficial.

My question is to get my career going and actually start running deals and learning, should I go to a big box company that provides leads or is there any suggestions on marketing I can do door to door,businesses, etc with my cards and pamphlets to drum up business?

Help! 🥹